

用google搜索时候意外发现了个有趣的东西,不过我电脑上没有装VC.NET 2003,呵呵。等以后装了,一定下载回来看看,毕竟vc的编辑器好用太多了。

homepage: http://www.vcmame.net/

Code Project page: http://www.codeproject.com/cpp/vcmame.asp


VCMAME is a set of project files and information that allow the official MAME source code to be compiled with Microsoft Visual C++. The intent of VCMAME is to allow those that prefer Visual C++ and it's associated tools to contribute to the MAME project.

VCMAME is presented as-is for non-commercial use only. Any binary distributions constructed with VCMAME must adhere to the MAME Usage and Distribution License, as well as any other relevant copyright or license agreements presented by the source code authors. VCMAME is generally unsupported, and no guarantees are made as to the timeliness, quality or accuracy of information posted to this site. Proceed at your own risk.
